
Welcome to the Tools page of UniLab's website!

In this page you can find tools and resources developed by the UniLab consortium. 

All the materials on this website may be freely used and copied for non-commercial purposes, provided that the source is acknowledged. All contents are licensed under the attribution 4.0 international (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 licence).

State of the Art in March 2020 (reviewed in September 2020):

Case Studies and current practices in the form of videos to watch or documents to download/read. 

Visit our Resources section. 

  • SWOT analysis of current WBL systems in Russia, Belarus and Azerbaijan
  • Guiding Diagram to identify potential interventions for improvement of a WBL system.

Strategic Plan for developing existing or new collaborations in non-EU countries, and Model of University-Business cooperation that improves existing partnerships and that facilitates new collaboration.

Prototype Education Model: this document gives an overview of the current needs in non-EU countries and indications on how to modernise the education model. The prototype was developed according to the needs of the non-EU countries partner in the project. The objective of this prototype is to help Higher Education Institutions improve the quality of their provision, and align more closely with industry. 

Prototype Model of extra-curricular activities: the modules were designed to help students to identify and develop transversal (soft) graduate skills as well as facilitate a smooth transition from education to employment. However, access to the moodle modules are hosted by Siberian Federal University and mostly avaiable in Russian language. The materials for these modules that are available in English, and a guide on how to access the moodle, can be found in file below. This file can help you create a set of extra-curricular activities relevant in your own institution.

UniLab has developed a model for a students portal aimed at supporting students’ practical placements. Since the UniLab platform code is open source, it can be implemented by any HEI for free. A sample version of the platform, and the sections and functionalities it covers can be viewed here. The portal should ideally be combined with the WBL principles, standards, and tools provided in the following sections, and should also contain a database of enterprises, model agreements, assessment tools, and a forum to exchange experiences.

Follow this link to access to the Students Portal resources. 

Document describing the UniLab Principles and Philosophy of Work-Based Learning. The consortium developed a number of recommendations and strategies for their implementation. 

The UniLab consortium compiled eight standards for enhanced Work-Based Learning, which have been divided into four areas: planning, implementing, monitoring and improving WBL programmes. The document also links to tools which HEIs can use to better meet the individual standards.

Quality standards (EN)

Quality standards (AZ)

Quality standards (BY)

Complementing the UniLab principles and standards for WBL is a set of tools to support HEIs aiming to improve their WBL programmes and adapt them to real labour market needs. HEIs can adapt these tools to their specific context. The tools include:

– model agreements between universities, employers and students
– materials for tutors and mentors responsible for WBL placements
– a learning portfolio for students to review and showcase their learning on the WBL programme

Annexes to the tools (in EN):

The UniLab consortium developed a 10-point model for international university career centres. Intended as a guide for HEIs wishing to improve their career services, it outlines the provision and activities a career centre should offer in order to effectively support students or recent graduates secure relevant internships/employment. It also includes a guide which HEIs can use to self-assess their career centre and monitor their progress in developing it.

Peer learning
enterprise University Collaboration
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